Thursday 11 December 2014


Proposal for Bearded dragon documentary.

I am planning to make a documentary based around my pet bearded dragons. I chose to do this because my bearded dragons are interesting to me.
The documentary will consist of bearded dragon shots and various interviews with people about their thoughts on bearded dragons. I would like my documentary to appeal towards children, as animals are considered mysterious and they would be interesting for them, since bearded dragons are generally unusual reptiles. I would also like for my audience to bring a hope for children to consider asking their parents for a bearded dragon as a pet. To hopefully achieve this i shall be giving the bearded dragons voices so that they appeal to the children.

My bearded dragons will be the main stars of the documentary and they're going to be the main content of my work.
No bearded dragons will be harmed during the production of the documentary.

Observations of my own bearded dragons

 Observations of my own bearded dragons

I have observed my bearded dragons through photos to show how they look and the different sizes.
This image is of my bearded dragons just laying about on the heat-pad (under the wood chippings)

This image is of the parents, Shrek and Fiona, these two have been together since i first got them and Fiona originally gave birth to about 30 eggs.

This image is of the four Baby bearded dragons with there father Shrek. On this image, one of the baby bearded dragons is on top of his father, this shows that he is in need of the heat lamp so he is leaning on his father to reach it.

This is Fiona, she is the mother and she is generally a slow bearded dragon. She mainly spends her time sleeping.

This is the bearded dragons all hunched together. Two of the bearded dragon babies are stacked on top of their father. fighting for the heat lamp.

 This is a birds eye view of the picture above.

Monday 8 December 2014

Bearded dragons documentary secondary research images

Bearded Dragons: A Documentary

- German giant bearded dragons are bred for being larger and more suitable in homes.

- Leather back bearded dragons have a mutated gene that prevents their scales from growing to full size.

- Silk back dragons have such small scales, that it feels as smooth as scales.

- When bearded dragons lay on top of each other they are fighting for the heat off the heat lamps.