Thursday 15 January 2015

Bearded dragons Diet

List of foods:
-Collard greens: High in calcium and giotrogens.
-Dandelion greens: High in calcium.
-Endive: Good when mixed with other greens, Also high in calcium.
-Carrot: Best to have the carrot tops, High in oxalates.
-Bok choy: Full of vitamin A.
-Turnip greens: Avoid feeding root, the greens are high in vitamin A, C and K.
-Alfalfa sprouts: Full of vitamins and minerals, difficult to eat.
-Strawberries: Excellent source of vitamin C.
-Figs: Usually dried, lots of calcium.
-Blueberries: A good source of vitamin K and antioxidants.
-Tomatoes: Lots of vitamin A and lycopene.

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