Thursday 27 November 2014

Evaluation for Blurred lines Video


This video is about the pop song Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke.
In this video i interviewed four different people, Iana Surch, a 18/19 year old female who likes indie music. Andrew Findlay, a 33 year old male whose music preference is a little bit of everything. Sophie Masterman, a 18/19 year old female who likes indie music and Rachel Barlow, and 18/19 year old female who also likes indie music.

Whilst interviewing these few people i gathered many various opinions from them. "I think that Robin Thicke treats women as animals" This was said by Iana Surch. "I think its quite derogatory to women really"this was said by Andrew Findlay. "It basically says dress like this if you want to show your man a good time" this was said by Sophie Masterman. And then "its just based around women really" this was said by Rachel Barlow.

The video was produced by myself on an Mac computer with an application called Final cut Express. Each sequence was placed and cut together to fit the song, with a decent amount of cutaways and interviews.
The strengths that I believe i have in this project is that i edited the video very well and that each interviews shot and cutaway shot was filmed and cut nicely.
If i could choose what to improve on it would be the way that certain bits of the video was cut.

In conclusion i believe that the video is well structured and that it was edited as best as possible.

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